Monday, October 24, 2011

Private Zeitumstellung am Donnerstag!

This goes out to all the philosophers and smart men who forced us a few years ago to start with this weird time change between summer and winter-time. 

Last Thursday after a nice skype-chat with PETRA ( the person this Blog is dedicated to) Korbi and I went out for a little Student celebration! The so called "party" ended at 2 am. After a little aftershow (really just a little one) and a short visit to one of the local baker's we started on our way home.
This was the moment when we were absorbed by this TIME-GAP and we ended up between time and space!
 Almost 5 hours and cubic meters of a tasty, sweet mixture out of firewater and a popular drink from Austria the Channel of time set us free and we arrived home at 7 am. Without any memento since the end of the party!!

Dear Guys of the European Union,

pleeease abolish this arrangement of changing the time and give Korbi and me the 5 hours back, that we missed last thursday!

Sincerely Yours,

Korbi & Michi

                           It was possible for me to find photo that is showing the time-channel ( white "dust")
                           I am afraid that the channel also got these 3 guys ( at least the left one ;) )

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