Thursday, October 27, 2011


On the way home from a party a friend was stopped by a police-car. The Officer charges him with speeding. Next to the driver there is another one sitting and looking at the officer! Suddenly the co-driver opens the glove-locker and shouts in: " Captain to engine room!! Captain to engine room. Less coal! we are going too fast!!"

The Officer is surprised, smiles and let's the driver off!!

True Story!


Monday, October 24, 2011

Private Zeitumstellung am Donnerstag!

This goes out to all the philosophers and smart men who forced us a few years ago to start with this weird time change between summer and winter-time. 

Last Thursday after a nice skype-chat with PETRA ( the person this Blog is dedicated to) Korbi and I went out for a little Student celebration! The so called "party" ended at 2 am. After a little aftershow (really just a little one) and a short visit to one of the local baker's we started on our way home.
This was the moment when we were absorbed by this TIME-GAP and we ended up between time and space!
 Almost 5 hours and cubic meters of a tasty, sweet mixture out of firewater and a popular drink from Austria the Channel of time set us free and we arrived home at 7 am. Without any memento since the end of the party!!

Dear Guys of the European Union,

pleeease abolish this arrangement of changing the time and give Korbi and me the 5 hours back, that we missed last thursday!

Sincerely Yours,

Korbi & Michi

                           It was possible for me to find photo that is showing the time-channel ( white "dust")
                           I am afraid that the channel also got these 3 guys ( at least the left one ;) )

Saturday, October 22, 2011


This blog is dedicated to Petra and all the others who get invited to follow us! Korbi and I promised Petra to start a blog while hanging out in a skype call.
Now, only 48 hours later the blog is online! I hope we will not forget to post all the experiences ( maybe a few FSK 18 ones as well (-: ) we will do during our study-time at Kempten!

Have fun while reading threw the some funny stories!

Greets Korbi & Michi